Torino 7-8 Giugno 2015



Corso Infiltrazioni della colonna  -  Edi-ermes

Milano 23/25 Ottobre  2015


Corso Tecniche di Mesoterapia  -  edi-artes

Milano 25 Gennaio 2015


Corso Infiltrazioni intrarticolari  -   edi.artes

Milano 24 Gennaio 2015


Treatments in Action: Observing Clinical Practice (London, UK) - Andrew Nugent-Head - - Association for Traditional Studies (ATS)

October 13, 2014 - February 3, 2015  -  April 14, 2015 - University of Westminster London UK

Observing experienced clinicians who practice from the classical perspective is the only way to learn to practice classical medicine clinically. Based on the ‘Grand Rounds’ style of clinical teaching, the practitioner treats real patients in front of an audience, talking about the condition, diagnosis and treatment strategy while giving the treatment. Techniques are shown and explained, while also answering questions from the audience during the process. This is perhaps the most important step to take in the path of returning Chinese medical practice to a classical perspective.



Acupuncture for Orthopedic Injury (London, UK) - Andrew Nugent-Head - Association for Traditional Studies (ATS)

October 11, 2014 to October 13, 2014 12:00 am and On January 31, 2015 from 12:00 am to February 2, 2015 12:00 am and On April 11, 2015 to April 13, 2015 University of Westminster London UK

This seminar covers the mechanics and theory of external injuries; the difference between treating Qi or Blood injuries; in depth training in Ashi needling and other commonly used techniques for injuries.


Protocols for the Times: Strategies for Insomnia, etc.

2014 March  Seminar: March 22-23  Practice Day: March 24/25




Torino 7-8-9 Marzo 2014



KAI SEMINARS with Andrew Nugent-Head 2013-14

Foundation for clinically effective Classical Chinese acupuncture

University of Westminster, LONDON UK


5) 2014 March  Seminar: March 22-23  Practice Day: March 24/25

Protocols for the Times: Strategies for Insomnia, etc.


4) 2013 November Seminar: Nov 2-3  Clinical Practice Day: Nov 4/5

Treating the Source: Awakening the Yuan Qi in Clinical Practice


3) 2013 September Seminar: Sept 7-8  Clinical Practice Day: Sept 9/10

Doors & Pathways of Qi: Selecting Points & Choosing Channels in Clinical Practice


2) 2013 June Seminar: June 1-2  Clinical Practice Day: June 3/4

Manipulating Qi: Applying the Eight Functions of Qi in Clinical Practice


1) 2013 April Seminar: April 20-21  Clinical Practice Day: April 22/23

Affecting Qi: Tonifying the Upright, Dispersing the Pernicious, Regulating the Flow of Qi in Clinical Practice


XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIRAA

L'agopuntura nella riabilitazione e nelle cure palliative

Aosta 4-5 Ottobre 2013


Acupuncture Sports Medicine: Anatomically Significant Points and How to Use Them

3-5 May 2013  Zürich SW


XIII Convegno A.M.I.A.R.

Agopuntura E Mnc Nel Dolore Muscolo-Scheletrico

Torino, 13 aprile 2013


Convegno Nazionale:   Il contributo dell’agopuntura e della medicina cinese nel trattamento dell’infertilità e della procreazione medicalmente assistita

Bologna 6 Aprile 2013

















Corsi di Aggiornamento e Formazione sostenuti nell'ultimo periodo